Had to make an account just to put this out there but- Thanks for being an inspiration all these years. I don't blame you for your decision to escape the internet and dedicate your time to working on your project without thousands of eyes peering over your shoulder at all times. The internet is oppressive, obsessive, unobservant, and incredibly ignorant and it's very hard to feel like you're "Good" by the standards of your audience (Especially if your audience turns out to be a group of people you detest, as you mentioned in your blogpost.)
I know it's been another 3 years since we've heard from you, but I only wish you the best on your passion project and hope you remain passionate about it throughout. It sounds like you'll be working on it for the next two decades, if not longer, and I'm highly anticipating how deep and ethereal it's going to be. Hoping you'll be able to avoid burning yourself out and that you'll still love this project as much as you seem to now throughout.
Good Luck.